Toyota Repair: 1997 Camry Dash Warning, temperature gage, light bulbs
QuestionI do not have full documentation on my used 97 Camry LE. An amber warning light comes on in the lower left corner of the dash below the temperature gage. The light resembles a car with several straight lines coming out at an angle from each rear tire. The light does not come on when the vehicle is turned on initially, but does when the brake is depressed prior to placing it into gear. I suspect it is related to brake wear. All visible fluid levels are within normal ranges. What does this light represent and what action should I take?
AnswerThis is a warning light to let you know that one or more of the rear light bulbs is burned out, in this case, the brake light bulbs, check all of the rear lights including the running lights, make sure the center brake light in the rear window works, if any of the bulbs are discolored replace them also even if they work, let me know if that doesn't fix the problem.