Toyota Repair: 1989 Toyota Camry acceleration, 1989 toyota camry, toyota camry

Hello Ted,
   I have a 1989 Toyota Camry (automatic transmission) that has choppy acceleration and sometimes stalls while making loud thumping noises.  I recently got the fuel filter replaced but still continue to experience the same issues.
   When acceleration is choppy the RPMs get very high, then finally something kicks in and the car jumps and accelerates.  Also, I've noticed a burning smell coming from the engine.  These problems are intermittent and sometimes the car runs fine.    

Thank you in advance for any tips,

May be a transmission problem, check the fluid, make sure it is to the full mark and is not burned or discolored, the burning smell is probably caused by an oil leak, the oil is getting on the exhaust pipe,it's possible that the transmission is leaking or the engine has an oil leak.