Toyota Repair: trunk super stuck, release lever, pop sound

I have a 1998 corolla and somehow I jammed the trunk lock, the key turns and there is a pop sound when i pull the trunk release in the car, but it won't open something is probably in the way. I took it to the dealer and they couldn't open it, I took it to a locksmith, and they said i would have to replace the whole lock, which would then involve body work, is this the only solution.  i noticed other models have a button that lowers the seats, but the release on my car is in the trunk.  Is there a way to remove my seats to get to the trunk or should I let the locksmith break in?  Help!!

I used to own a 1998 corolla and the rear seat backs folded down,maybe on your model they can't be released from the inside.
The seats can be removed, the seat cushion can be pulled up at each end to release it, the seatback has small bolts holding it on, remove the bolts and pull the seatback up to release it.
Once inside the trunk remove the carpeting and move the release lever on the latch to open the trunk, the lever that has the cable attached to it is the one that has to be moved.