Toyota Repair: toyota camry trany swap 1988 to 1991, 1991 toyota camry, toyota camry
Questionthe trany on my toyota 1988 camry went out and i got a used trany from the junk yard, and it was from a 1991 toyota camry. the trany i got from the junk yard came with the tork converter. the man at the junk yard asured me that it woud fit and work in the 1988 camry. when i got home i noticed that the new trany had a set of wires that conected to the valve body and the old one did not have those wires but i just put the new one in any ways and hoped it would work, but haveing the luck that i have it dose not shift when put in drive. i have to drive it like its not an automatic by shifting from 1 to 2 then to drive. when i start from a dead stop it just stays in 3 rd gear when in drive. i was wondering if you could tell me how to make the new trany work properly in drive. is there any way to splice into any existing wires or parts that i need to buy to make it shift corectly in drive. any help would help thank you for your time
AnswerChances are that the '91 transmission is an electronic controlled transmission(ECT)and the 88 is not, the two are not interchangeable and even if they both were ECT the computers are different so are the electrical connectors, there is no easy solution, you can try returning the transmission to the place that lied to you and then try to get the transmission somewhere else( the correct one made for the '88) make sure that you know which transmission the car had originally, either ect or non ect.