Toyota Repair: 94 camry: removing the center console, coolant leak, stop leak

Hello Ted,

I have a '94 camry 4cyl, 2.2lit. The parking brake light stays on even after it's disengaged. I gather I had been over tightening the parking brake lately as there was a slack to it and that might have caused the brake switch to get stuck. Now I need to remove the center panel to investigate the possible problem. I was able to locate and remove two of the screws in front but there should me more screws as the console isn't coming off. Can you please guide me?

One more question: I have a small coolant leak through one of the gaskets. So I bought one of those off the shelf magic fixes that you mis with the radiatior fluid and it's supposed to fix the leak. Is it a good idea? What do you think?


Before taking any more things apart open the hood and check the brake fluid in the master cylinder reservoir, I think that the brake fluid may be low causing the brake light to turn on, if that's the case check the brakes also.
The cooling system stop leak is a temporary fix, the correct way to fix a coolant leak is to replace the part that is leaking.