Toyota Repair: Engine Timing, timing belt tensioner, crankshaft pulley

I have a 1995 4Runner (V6) and I am in the middle of replacing the timing belt/tensioner.  While turning the crank shaft, the belt had slipped on some of the teeth on the camshaft pulleys.  
  What is the best way to put everything into sync again.  I do know about the markers on the pulleys and crankshaft.  Could I turn the crankshaft to TDC and then turn the Camshafts so their marks align to the Factory marks?

Yes, put the crankshaft pulley at the top dead center zero mark, make sure the number one piston is up, otherwise the engine will be 180 degrees off, remove the #1 spark plug and make sure the piston is up then put the cam gear marks so they line up with the dimples on the sheet metal cover.