Toyota Repair: Squeaky Belt, clutch assembly, compressor clutch
QuestionHi Ted,
I have a 1997 Toyota Previa DX, model 5124A with about 37,000 miles on it. I have had it since November 1996.
I talked to you before about my squeaky belts. You asked me to check the tension on it and there is a lot of tension on it. I noticed that it only squeaks around this one pulley that doesn't rotate. It stops squeaking when I step on the accelerator because the pulley begins to rotate only after stepping on the accelerator.
I know you told me that I have to replace the belt, but is it normal for that pulley to operate like that?
Joseph Fung
AnswerThe pulley you are referring to could be either the A/C compressor clutch or the supercharger pulley clutch, the supercharger is to the right standing in front.
Both have a bearing inside that may be failing, in either case the entire clutch assembly is normally replaced, it is very critical the the clearances between the driven and the drive components are set correctly when replacing these parts.