Toyota Repair: Idling problems, air leaks, toyota pickup
Question I have a 92 Toyota pickup w/ 130K and a 5 speed/4 cyl. The problem is that the engine will not idle properly and eventually dies after it starts to get warm. The problem started after I replaced the A/C Idle up switch. I just bought the truck and I believe the A/C Idle switch had been bad for a while but the former owner did not replace it.
Now that the the a/c idle problem is fixed, I have a new idle problem. Also the vsv that is connected to the a/c idle up switch is sucking air really hard and I don't know if this is supposed to do this. I hope this makes sense to you.
AnswerThe a/c idle up vsv is connected directly to the intake manifold which has high vacuum at idle so this is normal. You didn't say what the new idle problem is exactly but make sure that there are no intake air leaks look for any cracked or disconnected hoses.