Toyota Repair: Power Steering Pump, power steering pump, fluid leaks

I have a 1994 4-runner. I am going to replace the power steering pump. I am getting the run around from Checker, and Auto Zone. Is there a difference in the Japan versus American model. My vin begins with JT, I believe it is a Japan model. Also what do you know about a pump with or without a reservoir. What else will I need besides the pump and what normally comes with it belt, hoses, o-rings, gaskets, etc...

You didn't say what is wrong with the power steering pump but if it is just leaking it can be resealed with an inexpensive reseal kit.
Yes the JT designation is a japan made vehicle, you can reuse the old reservoir but chek it closely, there is a screen on the bottom that tends to get clogged up and it may have to be cleaned, if the pump is not leaking but noisy and there are no other fluid leaks this screen may be clogged. As far as I know there is no difference between the japan made or us made model but there is if there is antilock brake system(ABS).