Toyota Repair: 1991 & 2002 Interior Light, 1991 toyota corolla, toyota tundra
QuestionWe have a 2002 Toyota Tundra and a 1991 Toyota Corolla both with interior light problems.
The Tundra'a dome light comes on occassionally in the Door and On positions and the Corolla's only comes on when the switch is in the On position. What could be causing this?
AnswerThe most common problem for this is that the doors need to be adjusted to make better contact with the switches located on the door jamb, try to adjust the doors to close a little tighter to push the switches in, on the corolla try replacing all door switches.
Try this on the tundra, take a small piece of foam adhesive backed foam and apply it at the area where the switch makes contact on all the doors, this will make the switches push in more, the problem should go away, then remove the foam tape one by one until the problem comes back, this is the door switch that's causing the problem.