Toyota Repair: 1986 Toyota 4Runner Ignition Switch, toyota 4runner sr5, toyota 4runner
QuestionWhen I put the key for my 1986 Toyota 4Runner (SR5 22RE) into the ingnition switch it will not turn... I am going to try spraying dry graphite into the switch this evening... but don't think that it will work...
If it does not work... how do I go about replacing the ignition switch... I read your other post on here about ignition switches... and you said you knew how to replace the switch if that was needed... so could you help me out...
Answer The ignition switch lock cylinder needs to be replaced, the best and most economical way if you want to do this yourself is to get a new lock cylinder from the dealer first so you will know what it looks like and help in installing the new one.
Remove the plastic covers around the steering column, the only way to get the old cylinder out is to insert the key and turn it to the "ACC" position, there is a small opening on the switch housing with a release pin inside, when the pin is pushed in the cylinder can be pulled out of the lock, if that is so, put the new cylinder in the acc position and push it into the opening, if that works the only problem you will have is that the ignition key that came with the new cylinder will not work in the door locks, just the ignition, if that is ok with you just leave it that way, if you want one key to work all the locks and the ignition you will need to rekey the ignition lock which may require the services of a locksmith.