Toyota Repair: Engine Swap, fuse boxes, bureau of automotive repair
QuestionI have a 1998 Toyota Tacoma 4 wd extended cab pick-up. It has a 4 cly engine, and I was wondering if it is possible to upgrade to the V-6 Toyota offered that year. It has the automatic transmission a/c cruise. Is this a major project?
AnswerYes, it's a major project, you will also have to change all the wiring and the engine control ecu,all the fuse boxes, in other words all the electrical systems that pertain to the engine and trans, the radiator,etc. it's doable but in my opinion not worth the hassle it's much easier and cost effective to trade it in on a V-6 model.
In some states in the US, the one like California, that have very srict emission control laws this can still be done but you may have to go to the state air quality district, here in CA, it's the the BAR(bureau of automotive repair) they have to approve the modification so it will pass the next emission control test as required by your state. Before doing anything check with your state's emission control legistlation and laws governing this sort of thing.