QuestionI've seen several people have this issue here and the response is to either
1) change the battery (is this valid? can it be this simple?
2) Change the A/F ratio sensor (Bank 1 Sensor 1)
Here it mentions Bank 1 Sesor 1 being on the back, firewall side and requiring a special tool to replace (what kind of tool)?
This seems to be different depending on year and size engine. Is this correct?
I called the parts department and they mentioned two different parts. 89467-41030 and 89467-41040. They said P1130 refers to 89467-41040 and is located in the front, which contradicts what I have been reading. I'm assuming is due to being a 2001 and not a 2000 sienna.
Thanks for you help! I don't want to get the wrong sensor if it can be avoided.
AnswerThese DTCs indicate a malfunction with the AF/R sensor Bank One/Sensor One, (B1/S1)it is located near the firewall in the exhaust manifold, I don't deal with part numbers,all I can tell you is which sensor is malfunctioning according to the information you have given me. There is a special tool needed to remove it,(O2 sensor socket). The battery has nothing to do with this.There is no difference in the year model either.