Questioncar will not idle,first problem was no spark,had
replace the distrub/ignitor from auto zone. then
the car will start above 2 second and stall, after cycle of the key start up and stall again
replace fuel pump,clean the idle valve and the throttle body. same problem will not stay idling
went on the gas pedal will misfire from the intake,had timming belt replace. has spark at the spar plug, check the injector pulse ok.
just would like to know if it could be the ecm
or a bad ignitor.due if spray starter fluid in the intake will idle. check the tps at range
does the ignitor send the signal to the ecm for the injector to fire at the right order
93 toyota camary 150,000 miles. not sure to
buy a ecm or the factory ignitor,distrubetor
AnswerThe ECM is a possibility but before replacing it there are a couple of things to consider, prior to this problem was any repair done to the engine? In other words, when did this start to happpen? All by itself or what?
Check for a large intake vacuum leak, make sure the intake hose from the air filter to the throttle body has no leak.
Make sure there are no large hoses off on the intake system.
The computer gets the timing for the injectors from the distributor, the computor also has to see some other information before turning the injectors on, it has to see that the engine has spark to the spark plugs, that the timing is correct and an RPM signal, normally if there is a malfunction with any of the input parameters the computer will turn on the check engine light, a malfunctioning air flow meter can also cause this problem.