Toyota Repair: 1997 4 cyl. Toyota Camry 135,000 miles, vehicle speed sensor, toyota camry
Question1997 4 cyl. Toyota Camry 135,000 miles: About a month ago the check engine light came on. The auto parts read the code for me, P0505 - Idle Control System Malfunction. I have taken no action on the check engine light. Last Tuesday when I started for work none of the gauges (except fuel) or the power windows worked. I drove to work and ran some errands for about a total of 50 miles. At my last stop before home the car would not crank. I replaced the alternator (original equipment) and battery. The car now runs but it is still blowing the 10A "gauge" fuse. The fuse blows shortly after you crank the car and drive off. Once the fuse blows none of the gauges (except fuel) or the power windows work. I unplugged the coolant temperature sending unit and the vehicle speed sensor. The fuse still blows. What could be wrong? Please help, THANKS in advance!
AnswerThe gauge fuse supplies 12 volts to an array of circuits on the vehicle, the reason the fuse blows is that there is a direct short to ground somewhere, the best way to go about this is to install a 10amp circuit breaker instead of the fuse and then start removing other fuses one by one until the circuit breaker makes a good connection, notice which fuse circuit eliminated the short and you will have identified the electrical system circuit that is causing the problem. This is what I would do if I had your car in the shop for this problem.