Toyota Repair: Slight Thump in 2004 4runner, slip yoke, grease fitting

Hi Ted,

I have recently purchased a 2004 4runner sport v8 and the truck has been fabulous thus far for 3800 miles.  I do have problem/question which I have yet to have the dealer look into.  Occasionally after I've come to a complete stop and release the brake before depressing the accelerating there is a thump from the rear of my truck (remeniscent of being tapped from behind by a smaller car).  It does not occur all of the time and appears to be a completely random event.  I've seen plenty of chatter on certain 4runner web sites with respect to the same phenomenon so I beleive there may be an issue. Some web discussions refer to the need to grease the slip yoke driveshaft fitting and several people have noted that this fixed their problem. However, I am unsure as to where this fitting is locating and how much greese should be applied once I locate it.  I see no mention of this grease fitting or any other grease fittings in the owners manual.  Can you please let me know how many greese fittings their are on my truck and how I should maintain them.  Thanks again for your help.


This condition can be resolved by filling the rear of the driveshaft slip-joint with grease, you will need a grease gun, there is a fitting on the rear slip joint that you can fill with grease until it comes out of the shaft, this normally solves the thumping problem.