Toyota Repair: toyota rav sluggish start, toyota rav 4, battery check
Questionfor a toyota rav 4, 1997, 75k miles, good condition. when we turn the ingition (foot off the gas) the turn over seems ok but the engine doesnt seem to have enought fuel to start and keep running. our solution is to give the engine some gas before cranking or to have foot on gas while cranking. we never had to do this in the past. have not had a tune up or battery check for a while.
AnswerThis is a common problem on RAV-4s and camrys, the problem is the idle speed control valve(ISC valve) it can be removed and cleaned, the entire throttle body has to be removed in order to get the isc valve off, it's located on the bottom of the throttle body, removing it and cleaning it with carburetor or throttle body cleaner solves this problem, the throttle body should be cleaned completely at the same time.