Toyota Repair: 94 toyota camry, spark plug wires, toyota camry
Questionwhat would cause my camry to lose power when going up hills....someone told me that it could be the head gasket at the there something else that could cause this problem
AnswerIt could be caused by a lot of things, do the basics first and take it from there, I don't know if there is an engine misfire causing the loss of power or a clutch or transmission problem, slipping clutch or slipping transmission or just a general loss of power with no misfire, I need a lot more information and more detail exactly what is happening when the power loss occurs, I can't help with the information you have given me, please be more specific.
In the meantime try replacing the spark plugs, the spark plug wires, the distributor cap and the rotor, these are the most common causes of an engine misfire and loss of power.