Toyota Repair: Changing battery cables for a 2001 Celica GTS, toyota celica gts, ground cables
QuestionHi. I have a 2001 Toyota Celica GTS and I am currently upgrading my stereo system and I will be replacing the stock battery with an aftermarket battery. I would like to also replace my positive and negative battery cables.
However, I really don't know where to start. Can you please explain the steps in replacing the cables especially the positive cable. Can you also list what I may need to remove to change everything out.
Also, while I was trying to figure out how to replace the cables, I noticed that there were two 6-8 gauge power wires. I didn't want to start cutting away at anything until I found out how to do it correctly. Thanks for any help
AnswerI think you need to see the toyota dealer's parts department to see what is available, some battery cables are part of the main wire harness, some of the ground cables are available seperately, do you want to replace the entire cables or just the connectors on the battery because they are available form the dealer and are just like the original and you don't have to replace the cables.