QuestionI have a Toyota Corolla 1995. One day I found that the battery
had been totally discharged, 0.25 volts. I replaced the battery
with a new one and parked the car. I checked all lights and made
sure that all accessories were off. I came back three days later
and the battery was totally discharged again. I think I have a
short circuit in one of the circuits. My questions are as follows:
1. What is the best way to rapidly identify the location of the
shorted circuit?
2. Do I need anything more than a regular housewhole voltmeter
to identify the problem?
AnswerTo check for a current draw on the system with all the accessories turned off you will need a VOM that has an ammeter that can measure miiliamps, disconnect the negative battery terminal and hook the meter in series with the terminal and the battery post, anything over 500 MA (or about 1/2 amp) is cause for concern and there is something causing the draw, you can start pulling out fuses and watch the meter, when you pull the fuse that takes the draw on the system away you have found the circuit that is causing it.