Toyota Repair: 1999 Toyota Camry 4 cyl. overhead cam 88k miles, toyota camry, toyota factory
QuestionDear Sir:
Please indicate the degree of complexity,the specialized tools required,and the total number of hours for a back yard mechanic with no professional experience to remove the cylinder head and install a rebuilt one in the above vehicle.I know that the intake,and exhaust manifolds, alternator and timing belt require removal.Additionally,would the Toyota factory CD be helpful in this procedure.Thanks
AnswerThe job is not simple and takes a lot of tools, any outside help like the CD will help, also any decent repair manual, preferably the factory manual, will help, I can't really answer your question any better, we normally detach the intake manifiold from the head and leave it in the car, that way all the wiring doesn't have to be detached, so my advice is to take a look what you are going to be dealing with before you get too involved.