Toyota Repair: Toyota Carborators, carborators, carborator
QuestionDear Ted, My son bryan is having trouble with a 1986 Toyota pick-up... The engine is a 22R... The problem that he is having is the Carborator is dumping fuel, stright down into the cylender... His father is a ASC certified mechanic and even he is stumped..They have tried everything.. This is the third Carborator theyy have tried... Please help us figure out what to do as I am about to kill them...LOL.... Thank you, Angela
AnswerWell, since three carburetors have not fixed the problem we can safely assume that they are not the problem, chances of all them having the same problem are very slim.
So the problem is somewhere else, maybe the fuel pump, the fuel pump has a fuel return line to the tank, if it should be restricted in some way the fuel pump may create too much pressure and force the needle valve open and dump the fuel into the intake. I would recommend checking the fuel pressure to the carburetor when the engine is running, it should be about 3-6psi.