Toyota Repair: 1988 toyota 4 runner transmission, pressure ports, torque converter

#1 transmission A340-H overdrive silniod shows 52ohms of risistance s/b 12 to 14 ohms.? transmission shifts 1st thru 3rd ok but will not go into overdrive.                               #2 also should the flywheel & torque converter be balanced before reistallation ?(engine & transmission out of the automobile)              #3 Also this type of transmission is it able to be bench checked by air pressure for proper shifting before reinstallation?

Does the solenoid operate when applying 12 volts to the connector and grounding the case? Is there an audible clicking noise?
Check the ECU temp sensor, the transmission will not shift into overdrive until the computer sees a certain engine temperature, another possiblity may be that the overdrive clutch is bad, the transmission can be pressure checked with air, the valve body has to be removed and air pressure applied to the pressure ports on the case to operate the apply pistons, you need to use a repair manual for this.