QuestionI am in the market to purchase a part known to me as either a Engine Control Unit (ECU) or a computer box for:
1993 Toyota Corolla, 4 Door Sedan, 1.6 engine size
with the VIN #JT2AEO4EOPOO21722 or the part number as relayed to me from our Toyota dealership locally #89661-12870.
I am in desperate need of your assistance, The vehicle does not have spark to start the engine, the folowing parts were changed:
1. The entire distributor assembly
2. The spark plugs, wires and cap
3. The fuel filter
I am not certain what the true problem is but after changing all this parts, the vehicle still does not want to start and there is still no spark to start the engine.
Your assistance in this matter is urgently needed and your expert advice will be most appreciated.
Thank You,
AMQI- Properitor
AnswerYou did check the EFI fuse and relay, try a junk yard or EBAY, MAKE SURE YOU GET THE RIGHT ONE. Make sure you have 12v to the distributor and igniter, key on,using a multimeder this usually bites the dust and other than what you said, If the other two things are good I would go to a junk yard and see if they have one shoulden be no more 25.00 for igniter 75.00 for ECU, Try igniter 1st if other checks are good. The igniter has no checks other than making sure it has 9-12v. If you don't mind spending 10.00 for 24hrs try what we use, you can download these pdf files.