Toyota Repair: rough idle after warm up & stalling, midas service, vacuum leaks

1994 toyota camry 2.2ltr. no fault codes new ecm
after motor reaches operating temp. idle raises & lowers stalling causes flooding new tps no vacuum leaks inherited problem from a MIDAS service center any ideas

                thanx tobby

1st why was the ECM replaced?  being Toyota loves to make 20 or 30 for the same year model did you get the same part number that was on the old one?(IF AFTERMARKET, YOU ARE IN TROUBLE)  Have you tryed unpluging the egr and taping on it to see if it's stuck, Idle air control, I have seen the cam sensor coil come apart and cause this, you have to take the  cover off the coil to see this. Checked the MAP sensor, make sure they didn't knock the hose off. woulden be much of a leak. back of intake. top side