Toyota Repair: clunk, 22re engine, needle bearings
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Hi Terry,
I have a 1988 Toyota Fourunner, 22RE Engine with 250,000 Km on it. This truck has been very good to me mechanically. However for the past few years the driveline occasionally gives a "clunk" sound upon acceleration. When I grease the drive shaft just behind the transfer case the clunk goes away. I have to do this every 5000km or so to keep the "clunk" from coming back. I've been told that the sound is comming from my u-joints but when I grab the driveshaft and try to twist it, I can move it about and inch in rotation, back and forth and the ujoints do not seem to have any play in them at all. So do you think it is still my u-joints or might the problem in my differential? Any help or advice would be appreciated.
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I would drop the shaft and check for movement of each.
I dropped the shaft and the u-joints are solid. There is movement (rotation each way)on the shaft going into the differential. Is this normal?
AnswerA u-joint is nothing more than a cap with needle bearings if the caps don't move but the T is sloppy then you have bad joints, go to a parts place and ask them to let you compare a new one with the old one. I have seen the bearing full of grease and after taking the cap off the T gaulded up. how does your rear trany mount look?