Toyota Repair: toyota fuel injector, toyota camary, cold start
QuestionToyota camary 1989 4cylinder automatic over 100000.
We thought it was the cold start valve, but replaced and it didn't help. There is fuel getting to that point, when you untighten the screw fuel comes out. They took the end off the efi and held the gas pedal down to keep it open and there is not enough fuel getting to it. The car didn't want to start about 2 weeks ago and they unplugged the computer and plugged it back in and it worked for about a week. Now that will not help either, they have sprayed gas in the efi while trying to turn it over but it will not turn over all the way. Thanks Shannan
AnswerI don't know what you mean by "it won't turn over all the way" please try to be more specific, I assume the car won't start but try to tell me exactly what happens, does the engine crank over but it won't fire up?
I'm a little bit lost here and need more information, tell me exactly what the problem is.