Toyota Repair: 85 supra automatic transmission, hydraulic problem, toyota dealer
QuestionI seem to be having a problem with the transmission on my 85 supra. The odd thing is, about half the time, everything works perfectly. The other half, the A/T behaves in a variety of strange ways, ranging from jumping to fourth gear far too quickly, being irresponsive to road and accelerator conditions, and finally (and most troubling) it occassionally will not shift beyond second gear. Regardless of the problem, many times just restarting the car is enough to temporarily remedy it. I was wondering if there was something I could do to correct this, or if I just need to learn to live with a tempermental transmission.
AnswerThis is an ECT transmission that is controlled by the computer, so it could actually be a control problem or a hydraulic problem within the transmission, the best advice I can give you is to have either the toyota dealer or a repair shop that knows how to diagnose these early ect transmissions diagnose this problem.