Questionone more thing...Should i just replace the belt or the tensioners too.Is there a way I can tell if the belt tensioners are worn...This belt was changed once before i believe by the previous owner with a new water pump...sorry bout all the ? just a worry wort(man that last bottom 10ml screw in the case was a bitch....(finally found my wrench)any other tips that you might find usefull(like lining up the cam and crank)
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I drove my 92 tercel to the local market....ran great..shut it off went inside..came out would not start just hearing the stater winding the engine extra fast...I believe timing belt problem.Hopefully because my engine was just starting I didnt cause any damage when trying to start..How feasible would it be for one to tackle replacing this belt? Thanks
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That sure sounds like it and yes you are right no damage, To bad you didn't live around here 99.00 special going on, But if you really won't to do this ,buy a chilton or other manual, look in it before buying it to make sure it covers it or you can sign up for TIS access for $10.00 for 24hr and get everything I get,this would be your best bet, it's just another way Toyota wants you to know they care covers 90 and later check it out you want be disappointed.
AnswerIf they rattle or by taking your hand ,holding the inside with one set of fingers tap from underneath, if you here metal on metal, replace them,. I take it you didn't try the last few things. Depending on the eng(sticker under hood) is where the cam will go, crank has a hard to see mark in the back if no dot on the front that lines up with a tear mark on the oil pump cover(key up on crank is TDC) that cheap book would be your best bet, slack should be on tensioner side, before releasing it check the timing marks, and after releasing it rotate the crank backwards the stoping at TDC and check both again. If the cam pulley only has one hole in it take your mirror and light two line it up with the cam cap mark, the one strait up.