Toyota Repair: Check engine light, jumper wire, toyota 4x4

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Question -
My check engine light is on and ive looked over everything to get it to turn off. (without taking out the bulb) I had my engine rebuilt less thqan 2 months ago. What would you look at first to get rid of the annoying light? Any help right now is appreciated
Answer -
I need to know what year and model toyota this is before I can even begin to give an answer, also what engine and transmission, just give me the very basics and I may be able to give you some advice.

.........The year make and model are 89 toyota 4x4 . 4cyl. 5 speed manual.  

To turn the light off try removing the neg battery terminal and wait ten seconds then reconnect it, if you want to find out what the trouble code is find the diagnostic connector under the hood, open the cover and connect a small jumper wire between terminals TE1 and E1 and the check engine light will blink and give you the trouble code, the light will blink a certain number of times for instance a blinkind of 2 times and a short pause and then 3 times would be a number 23 code and so on, give it a try and let me know what you find, by the way the ign key must be in the on position. There may be more than one code starting with the lowest number, there will be a longer pause between each code.