Toyota Repair: 2000 Rav4 2WD Automatic - Acceleration Noise, inner fender, liter engine

Vehicle has 47K, is 2WD, 4door, 2.0 liter engine, does not have antilock brakes - and has been well maintained.   I have had no problems with the vehicle up to this point.  About a month ago it developed a noise sounding like a tree branch scratching in the left front wheel well.  There was nothing there.  I have ruled out bad speaker, AC issue, brakes. I cannot hear it from outside the vehicle or with the hood raised.   It only occurs when moving and is noticeable from inside the cabin with the windows closed. It appears to come from engine compartment adjacent to that same wheel well, and there is no smell of gas, exhaust, burning oil or wires present.  Noise has progressed where it always occurs driving uphill while accelerating into driving speed.   Infrequently it happens on level ground during the same conditions, but it never occurs during high speeds (that I can hear).

Possibly a bad wheel bearing, althoug rare at this mileage but that's what it sounds like to me, have it checked and also have the brakes checked.
Also check to see if any part of the inner fender plastic liner has come loose and may be contacting the tire.(Do this first)