Toyota Repair: 95 camry wont hold a charge, turn signals, trunk light
QuestionI have a 95 camry with 173000 miles on it. It is a 2.2L engine. A couple of days ago I was driving with my lights on. I noticed that when I turned my turn signals on my lights would start to dim. This concerned me so I decided to turn on my bright lights. As soon as that happened my car completely died. I was able to get a jump start and get it back to the house. I put a new battery in and it started just fine. The next morning I went out to start it and nothing happened. So I thought it might have been the alternator, so I replaced it with a new one. Once again car started and after about 20 minutes it would not start again. Then I hooked up a voltmeter to the battery to find out which fuse was drawing on the battery to make it go dead. Come to find out it was the radio fuse. So I pulled that fuse. After charging the battery it started up just fine and continued to for the rest of the day. I thought the problem was solved. I got up the next morning to go to work and it still started. After work (9 hours later) it was dead. I got it jump started and got it back home. I am so lost as to what could be wrong. PLEASE HELP.
AnswerMake sure that the dome lights don't stay on with all the doors closed, also check the trunk light, make sure it goes off when the trunk lid is closed, if neither one of these is the cause you need to connect an ammeter in series between on of the battery posts and the terminal and see if there is a current draw with everything turned off, It should be no more than 0.3Amps/300mA.