Toyota Repair: ABS dash light, dash light, trouble code

MY ABS DASH LIGHT STARTED COMING ON AND OFF SO I CHECKED MY BRAKES AND THE FRONT WERE LOW SO I CHANGED THEM AND THE LIGHT WENT OUT FOR A COUPLE WEEKS. THEN IT STARTED COMING BACK ON AND OFF. NOW IT STAYS ON ALL THE TIME. I HAVE A 1996 T-100 SR5 6 CYL. 3.4L. what do you think is the cause for this? also when the engine warms up the oil pressure seems to be low at idle but when i step on the gas it goes back up to normal, is this normal?

.You'll have to take it to a shop that can hook up a diagnostic tool to retreive the trouble code stored in the computer, let me know what it is and I may be able to help more, the oil pressure dash gauge is probably normal.
Make sure that you are using 10w-40 oil.