Toyota Repair: Turn signal buzz, spiral cable, haynes manual
QuestionHi Ted,
I drive a 92 Previa LE. I'm trying to remove the turn signal/headlight dimmer switch from the combination switch. The Haynes manual shows two screws which I've removed and it still won't separate. Is there something I'm missing? According to this manual I should be able to get the switch out without removing the wheel/airbag and combination switch. What's your take?
Thank you in advance - you provide an excellent resource!
AnswerYou will have to remove the steering wheel and the plastic steering column covers to access the headlight and turn signal switches.
Disconnect the battery and wait 90 seconds then remove the air bag, you can the remove the steering wheel, make sure it's in the straight ahead position before removal, after the wheel is off you will see the air bag spiral cable, do not turn it just pull it off and reinstall it in the same position after the repair, make sure you keep the two red arrows lined up.