Toyota Repair: 1990 Camry 4 cyl AT left drive axle removal, axle shaft, cv joint
I am trying to remove the left drive axle on my Camry but can't get the axle to release from the transmission. I removed the 6 bolts holding an aluminum flange to the tranny, which the axle shaft passes through, and it and the axle move out about 1/4" but that is all. I tried pushing the axle in from the hub side, but it won't go far enough to remove that way either. Is there a secret to removing the axle?
AnswerThe first thing you need to do is put those bolts back in, they do not hold the axle in, there is a retaining ring on the end of the axle, the axle can be removed by using two prybars which will compress the snap ring and make the axle shaft come out, you may have to rotate the axle and keep trying to pry between the end of the inner cv joint and the differential housing.