Toyota Repair: 2002 Rav 4 dash noise, plastic cowl, dash area

We have a 2002 Rav 4 which we purchased new. after about 5000 miles it developed a chirp in the dash area close to the windshield whenever we hit a bump. I have had it to 2 different dealers, some type of heater duct repair kit was put in, a new outside plastic cowl has been put on, one of the dealers actually stuffed some extra foam between the dash and windshield. They always return it to us unfixed. What's my next option to force this to be repaired? It can be heard above the radio and is very annoying and I feel would likely degrade the trade in value at either of the dealers.

There are some service bulletins concerning the squeek noise from the winsdhiels cowl area, check with the dealer to make sure they have checked the latest bulletins and performed the necessary steps to eliminate the problem, it sounds like they haven't because you still have the noise, it is still under warranty, take it back to one of the dealers and tell them that you want this fixed, they have already acknowledged that there is a problem because of the attempted repair, if they don't know how to fix it tell them to call the Toyota technical assistance line for advise, if that's no help I advise you to call Toyota's customer service 800 number and tell them about your complaint.