Toyota Repair: Toyota Power Steering Question, power steering pump, toyota surf
Question I recently had the power steering go out on a 1991 Toyota Surf with a broken belt and stripping of the threads of the shaft of what I have been told is the "Power Steering Drive" - the motor that runs the power steering belt. Is this the same thing as the Power Steering Pump (e.g. Express Auto Parts M2010-55831 MAV P/S Pump). Also, do I need to get the "Core" (M2010-55831 MAV CORE) that was automatically added to an order inquiry.
AnswerYes it sounds like it is the power steering pump that has to be replaced, what they are referring to as the "core" is your old pump which you have to return to receive core credit, it is common to add the core charge to the original invoice until you bring in the old pump and then you will be reimbursed for whatever the core charge was.