Toyota Repair: clutch problem, clutch master cylinder, 1994 geo prism
Question1994 Geo Prism (same as Corrola). Depressing the clutch pedal does not make the clutch work. Clutch master cylinder is full and no sign of leakage. the car drives okay in gear. There is a lot of free play in the pedal. the pedal was moving the rod on the slave cylinder. I wondered if there was air in the line so i bled the clutch master cylinder which made things worse. Depressing the clutch pedal now makes the rod on the slave cylinder move only a short distance (much less before). I am thinking I should replace the master cylinder first but am wondering if that is the problem. If the throw out bearing is bad would that cause the same symptoms?
thanks for your help.
AnswerThe problem is in the hydraulic system, even though there may be no external leaks one of the cylinder may have an internal leak, if there was a problem with the bearing there should be some noises, I recommend replacing both the master and slave cylinders.