Toyota Repair: Ignition Issues 2001 Toyota Sienna Van, release pin, toyota sienna
QuestionI have a 2001 Toyota Sienna Van with 90k miles with auto transmission that won't allow my key to turn the ignition. I first thought it might be that the key was too wornout, so I tried my other key, no luck there. We can't seem to get it to the acc most of the time. Some times it goes and most, it doesn't. I have taken everything apart to fully expose the cylinder, but can't get any further. Any ideas? I have read some other responses about the push pin, but can't get that far. The ignition is located on the dashboard and the cylinder is cast and attached to the steering in such a way where you can't get the cylinder out of the van. I think the tumblers are the real issue.
AnswerThe ignition lock cylinder needs to be replaced and rekeyed to your original key if you want to keep the same key that also works in the doors. I suggest you buy a new lock cylinder from the dealer, you can see the release pin,use it as a guide to find the pin on the housing, to release the cylinder the key must be in the acc position, then press in the pin and then you can pull the cylinder from the housing.