Toyota Repair: 96 Camry Start Problem, air intake hose, toyota dealership
Question After reading one of your articles about a 97 Camry stalling during a cold start I was excited because my Mother In-law's 96 Camry is doing exactly the same thing. After spending $1700.00 for different repairs needed at the Toyota dealership, it is still stalling intermittently. The only thing they tried to do for the stall was replace a torn air intake hose. Unfortunately, the very next day, the car still stalled and when we took it to the dealer it started just fine. What I am wondering is if your article suggests to replace the ISC valve to make this repair, why wouldn't the Toyota Dealership think of trying this? I mean, if I can find a possible answer by surfing the web for 3 minutes, why doesn't Toyota have this info. in a repair database? If this solves the problem, we are definitely seeking another dealership. Thanks for your wonderful Q&A post.
AnswerConsider having the valve cleaned out if you want to save about $225, it fixes the problem most of the time,the best remedy is to just replace it, I have no idea why your local dealer is not able to figure this out, it's a very common problem, at least in the area I live in,(So.Cal).