Toyota Repair: Air Conditioner & Fan, r 134 freon, phillips screws

What would your technical advice be in regards to those malfuntioning items?
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Question -
I need to know an estimate cost to charge an AC tank as well as repair the air fan.  When turning the fan knob - there is not an increase of airflow between low to high.

Also - the knob on the side of the passenger seat has broken off & I am not able to recline the seat back.  Would you happen to know a cost to repair this?

Thank you for your help!  

Answer -
Sorry, I do not make repair estimates, I only give technical advise.

The reason the fan is only on one speed is that the fan motor resistor is partially burned out, it is normally located under the glove box, you may have to remove it, look for it on the air ducts or just underneath by the fan motor, exact location depends on year and model, it also has an electrical connector with some wires going to it.
I recommend that you buy the part first so you know what it looks like.
As far as recharging the a/c system it depends on what year the car is, it's either R-12 or R-134 freon, they stopped using R-12 around 1994 so if it's later it uses the 134 freon, the biggest factor is the cost of the freon, I can tell you that the R-12 is about $55 a pound(you will need 2 lbs.) the R-134 is around $6 a pound.
The good news is that the earlier systems can be changed over to 134, you can get the kit at most auto parts stores and it's a fairly simple repair.
I'm not sure on the seat handle if just the plastic handle is broken you gan get one at the dealer. They normally have one or two phillips screws attaching them.