Toyota Repair: 1985 4Runner Wont start/run - not fuel pump, fuel pump relay, toyota 4runner
QuestionI have a 1985 Toyota 4Runner 22R, Will start (twice) and then won't run, after 2 starts, won't turn over, only crank. I replaced fuel pump, and this isn't the problem. Would like to find a description or diagram online showing where things are located, like the fuel pump relay. I am not getting the message back to the fuel pump I just installed, it is now hotwired to the fuelpump. All fuses are okay. Any help would be appreciated! Thank you
AnswerThe relay that turns the fuel pump on is called the circuit opening relay, it's located behind the right kick panel.
On the diagnostic connector under the hood try a jumper between terminals fp and e1 this will bypass the relay and the pump should work if the wiring to it is good, remove any hotwires before doing this. If the pump works replace the circuit opening relay.