Toyota Repair: Toyota Repair, toyota corolla, toyota repair

I have a 2000 Toyota Corolla sedan, 4-cyl, automatic with 102,000 miles. It's started losing oil. I've had to add probably 6-7 qts over the last 7-8 months. There's no leaking onto the driveway, it's not blowing blue smoke and I don't see it under the hood. I know I should just get it checked out, but I'm trying to avoid expenses before I decide if I'm going to keep it or upgrade to my wife's Camry when her lease ends next month. Any thoughts on likely causes when there's no outward signs and if it's likely to be a major repair before long? In other words, could it be repairable (like a gasket -  how expensive?) or is it likely the engine isn't going to last?
Sorry for a pretty vague question. Great web site, great service!

You didn't say how many miles were put on the engine in that time period, this is what really matters,Toyota considers oil consumption of one quart per 1000 miles normal.
These engines are not known to have oil consumption problems under normal conditions.