Toyota Repair: TOYOTA RAV-4 A/C, toyota rav 4, side pipes
QuestionThis may seem simple, but it has me lost. I want to charge my air conditioning system. It is cooling but not the volumn it should be. I can not physically identify the "input"/"output" valves that a recharging system utilizes to recharge the A/C. Is there a diagram or information that will let me identify where to hook up the charging line for the RAV-4?...THANKS, Ed
AnswerThe input line for the freon is the low pressure side of the system, if you are using a can of freon with a short hose attached, the kind you get at the autoparts store you need to connect to the low pressure side, the low pressure side pipes are much bigger in diameter than the high pressure side, look along the bigger pipe towareds the firewall and you should be able to see the fitting, it may have a black or gray cover on it stamped with the letter L for low side, remove the cap and attach the freon can and follow the instructions, the lo and hi side valves are different so you can not phisically hook it up wrong.