Toyota Repair: Front Driveaxle, shock absorber, center bolt
QuestionI am replacing the boot nearest the wheel on the right front drive-axle of a friend's 1991 Toyota 4-runner 4WD. I tried to take apart as little as possible. I first removed the 6 nuts holding the drive-axle to the side gear flange. I then took the 6 nuts off of the automatic wheel hub (after removing the wheel), and popped off the gaurd and also removed the center bolt and washer. After this, I could not see anything else I could loosen, but the automatic hub would not come off. I'm 19 and and relatively new to this so a thorough description to how I could remove the hub would be greatly appreciated. The end result will hopefully be being able to remove just the driveaxle without dealing with the upper or lower suspension so I can replace that boot and give some protection to that joint from the elements.
Thank you for your time.
Mathias Bate
AnswerOn some models there is a snap ring where the axle extends through the hub, you may have to remove it.
If you remove the lower shock absorber bolt the lower suspension arm will drop down enough to get the axle out past the differential housing, you don't need to remove the hub.
Use a jack on the lower control arm to line up the shock so that the bolt can be reinstalled.