Toyota Repair: removing front rotor disc on 91 toyota pickup, wheel studs, brake caliper
Questionwhat tool is needed to remove the roter so I can replace the studs, and how do I replace the studs? my toyota is 4x4 .model pickup thank you for taking the time to read. jason
AnswerThe rotor has to come completely off to replace any of the wheel studs, the hub has to be seperated from the rotor so the old studs can be hammered out.
Remove the brake caliper, remove the 10mm bolts that hold on the 4x4 locks, remove the 12mm nuts that hold on the hub, there are some cones on each of the 8mm studs, you can pop them out by tapping on the outside edge of the hub, remove the snap ring on the axle or the 12mm retaining bolt, remove the two large axle nuts, there is a special socket but you may be able to hammer and chisel them loose after you undo the lock plate.