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I have a 2000 toyota tundra with 72000 miles, V8, auto transmission. Here is the problem, after a 4 hour, continuous highway drive, I came to a stop sign and the truck shut off. No check engine lights, the dash board was clean. I put the truck in park, and it started, with a rough idle. As soon as I put the truck in gear, any gear, it shut off. It maintained this condition for about 24hours, then operated normally. In addition, I have noticed an intermittent slip of the transmission. When accelerating between 30 and 40 mph, the trans slips, then grabs, providing a heavy jerk. This mostly occurs during rainy weather. My mechanic ran a scan, and the computer was clean, no error codes.
I dont tow anything, and have never had a problem.
Any ideas on possible causes ?
Thanks in advance.
Answer -
how does the tranny fluid look? is it full? check when hot?
could be bad gas too?
did u run it down to below empty once before on the trip and it could have clogged the fuel filter?
check these things and let me know the out come. paul p.
thanks for the quick response. Tranny fluid looks normal, level ok, and did not smell during the truck shut down. The gas tank has never been below a quarter tank. Gas or fuel filter is possible, but does not tie in the tranny slippage. Two other opinions were the lock up converter, since the problem ocurred after it was engaged for a long period. The thermal stress could have presented the problem. It has never acted up on limited driving. Looking at the NTHSA web site, transmission problems are common with this truck.
Thanks again for your thoughts, john
Answeri'd have to agree with you on the tranny problems... i've personally replaced them due to internal failure. do u have an extended warrenty? cause it sounds like you need a new tranny. toyota does not rebuild! i would go to a toyota dealer and get a quote for a new tranny.. good luck paul. p.