Toyota Repair: 86 toyota truck clutch went out, clutch slave cylinder, 22r motor

This is an 86 toyota truck, 22R motor, 6 cyl., 180K miles, travels MAYBE 2 miles back & forth to work each day and every so often a 7 mile trip to the lake to go fishing. The clutch went out yesterday. Husband has been babying the hydraulic cylinder(?) by putting fluid in it when the clutch gets lazy. He's been doing this for about a year, or so.
We need to know if this is something that we (he) can fix or replace-  or whether we need to take it in somewhere-(I admit we're tightwads, and would RATHER do it ourselves) We're not exactly amateurs in auto repair, but we have been lucky & havent had to do any extensive repairs like this on this veh before. Have tools. Just not the knowledge.  

The fact that you have to add fluid frequently indicates that there is a leak in the hydraulic system of the clutch, it's not a mechanical problem, you didn't say exactly what the clutch is doing and the term "the clutch went out" doesn't give me a lot of detail so the only thing I have to go by is the fact that you had to add fluid.
I'm going to assume that it is almost impossible top put in gear,if this is the case you need to find where the leak is, check the clutch slave cylinder and check the master cylinder, look at the inside of the firewall where the clutch cylinder is attached for any leaks and check the hydraulic hose on the right side of the firewall under the hood.
The fix is probably the replacement of both the clutch master and slave cylinders.