Toyota Repair: engine skip, computer checks, toyota dealership

i recently purchased a 2000 4runner, 4 cyl., with 52,000 miles.  it idles smooth, accelarates fine.  but at cruising speed, when you are just maintaining speed, it has a shudder, skip or hesitation at times.  the toyota dealership have been good to work with in trying to find this problem, but no success so far.  the computer checks out with no problems being shown.  but regardless, it skips when at cruising speed.  got any ideas?  thanks for your time...Greg

it sounds like the dealership is not doing there job....they need to hook the scan tool up and drive it and monitor the data .. from what you are saying it sounds like a random misfire... it should show a pending code in the dtc list on the scan tool.. or your timing belt skipped a tooth. if that is the case they need to verify the timing of the engine... i would find a better dealer.