Toyota Repair: Power windows, master switch, rear window

Hi Ted,
You've helped me in the past and now I've got a new one for you..I opened the rear window on the passenger with the switch on the driver's door and now neither it nor the rear window on the driver's side will work with either switch,any direction to check first would be great and help make me look like a star in my wife's eyes! It's a '96 4Runner.........Thanks Jeff,

The most common problem is the window master switch in the left front armrest, second would be the switch on the right rear and then the window motor itself.
So there are three possibilities, unfortunately the master switch is not cheap and once you buy it from the dealer they won't take it back if that's not the problem.
If the rear switch develops an open circuit, even though the master switch is good the window won't work because the circuit completes through the rear switch, so it could be this one also.
This is kind of hard to diagnose because there is no real way to test the master switch(there is in the manual but it involves doing a bunch of resistance tests)like I said the most common problem is with the master switch.